RAY FALLS AGAIN – WHY???????????

This post comes from Ray after his fall this morning. Please feel free to leave comments.

I write this while reflecting on my fall and licking my considerable wounds from my latest fall and upon returning from the Emergency ward. Again you might say! I ask myself whether or not I should be riding at all, having way passed my 60th year. That decision will come in the next few weeks. Having said that I am of the opinion I was not riding recklessly or dangerously at the time of the crash, if anyone feels I was please let me know I can assure you I am not thin skinned. After all, I was in the front at the time and others would have observed me and my manner of descending.

I am strongly of the view that we, as a Sunday group and a cycling club, have to put into place the things most of us have talked about, that is, no overtaking down airport hill or similar ones, Uralla comes to mind. We are all aware of the dangers of our sport and accept that crashing is part of it. Or is it? Ask yourself that question. You might feel you descend better that others and need to pass, I don’t think so. We all love a bit of speed. I say, position yourself where you don’t have to pass other riders or be content with staying with the bunch.

I am also of the view that we need a ‘Road Captain’ with given authority by the group to control the ride. I am not suggesting the rides are totally out of control. This person could be nominated at the start of every ride from a selection of experienced riders, which is almost the entire group.

Think about this, we have a mix of riders, who, not necessarily of their own doing, could come down. Some of our riders are working for themselves and cannot take time from their occupation or even afford not to work because someone is not riding by the rules.

More reason to take action on this issue now is we have juniors riding with us and I know they don’t like to see or become involved in falls, I don’t know anyone who wants to tell their parents they have crashed especially ones that can be avoided.

I say the time for talking about this has ended. I say put our words into action and get our act together, before someone is more seriously hurt or even killed. These are strong words but a real fact.

Hope I am able to join you for a ride, in six to eight weeks, maybe.

— Ray