Club Championships Round 3

Round 3 of the 2008 Club Championships was held on 21 June, featuring a 15km time trial on Dangarsleigh Road. Despite windy conditions there were good performances from a number of riders, with Geoff Straub winning A grade from Mitch Bullen and Dave Munday.

Reece O’Hara won his second race of the series in B grade with a ride which would have been competitive in the higher grade. Peter Creagan was second with Dave Jenner third.

Gillian Backhouse showed her time trialling ability in winning C grade. Rogan McPhie also recorded an impressive time in his first long time trial to finish second, with Cody Burton in third place.

After 3 rounds Geoff, Reece and Gillian are firming as favourites to take out the series in their respective grades. With the final results calculated from each rider’s best four performances, one more win would virtually seal their victories.

They will still have to compete to the the last race to make sure they are not overhauled by the chasers, including Mitch Bullen in A grade, Peter Creagan in B grade, and Lasse Mikkelsen in C grade, who certainly won’t be throwing in the towel.

Results for the races so far along with the current points tallies are on the Club Championships page. The next event will be a road race on Dangarsleigh Road on 16 August.

Full results for Round 3 were as follows:

A grade

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B grade

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C grade

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