Club strip

Bill Mara has been working with the Cannibal cycle clothing company on the design of a new club strip. Thanks to Bill’s efforts we now have a couple of alternatives, as shown in this image:

The kit includes a short sleeve jersey and bib style knicks, for a total cost of $200. Information on sizing etc is available on the Cannibal web site.

To move on this we need to have a minimum of 25 orders, and from numbers that Billy and Nick collected last weekend that we will easily meet this. Since a large number of people would like to do this, it seems we have a strong vote in favour.

These strips both look good, and if more people are happy to wear them then that is a good thing in my opinion.

However, there are a couple of potential drawbacks, namely that we need to order a minimum of 25 at a time, and also that juniors may be at a disadvantage. We probably can’t do much about the first, but we may be able to help out with the second with a partial subsidy from the club for example.

I would like to have a meeting next week at which we can discuss this more (this will not be the only item on the agenda though – we have a few issues which need attention at the moment).

In the meantime, please feel free to comment on this matter.

Andrew Swan