Junior Invergowrie Race Results

While the seniors battled it out on the 72km course, we were proud to run our inaugural Junior Invergowrie Road Race over a 10km out & back course on Pinegrove Road, with both under 11 and under 13 age categories represented.

A great turnout of 11 juniors hit the start line, and as with the seniors handicaps were allocated to make for competitive racing in both age categories, with several adults riding to escort the juniors to make sure a safe and enjoyable time was had by all.

First off the start line were the under 13’s, with the under 11’s started 5 mins later. As the May brother’s pushed hard they managed to drop their accompanying mother, and by all account’s there was great spirit shown by all racers, and all riders relished the opportunity to race on the open road over a longer distance.

First to cross the line in the under 13’s was Armidale’s Laura Billings, with Tamowrth’s Josh Deasey in 2nd place, and Armidale’s Bernie May rounding out the podium.

In the under 11’s it was an all Armidale affair, and it was Lincoln Brennan who took out the top spot, with Oliver Belson 2nd, and Richard May matching his sibling with a 3rd place finish.

Well done to all juniors, and thanks to the organisers for arranging an excellent event!

RiderClubAge CategoryPlace
Lincoln BrennanArmidaleUnder 111
Oliver BelsonArmidaleUnder 112
Richard MayArmidaleUnder 113
Thomas PageArmidaleUnder 114
Laura BillingsArmidaleUnder 131
Joshua DeaseyTamworthUnder 132
Bernard MayArmidaleUnder 133
Lucas HowlettArmidaleUnder 134
Thomas SingletonArmidaleUnder 135
Alex HarrisArmidaleUnder 136
Isabella PageArmidaleUnder 137
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