2019 Tour de North West

It’s become an annual fixture and registration is now open for the Chartered Accountants ANZ 5th annual Tour de North West charity bike ride through the stunning New England countryside while raising funds for BackTrack Youth Works.

The event takes place on Sunday 27 October 2019. The ride will set out from Petersons Winery & Guesthouse, Dangarsleigh Road, Armidale.

This year there are 3 courses for participants to choose from:
Long course (91 km)
Medium course (64 km)
Short course (38 km)

Riders will enjoy morning tea before returning to Petersons for a gourmet BBQ lunch and live band entertainment.
Family and friends are welcome to join the ride and lunch, or just the lunch.

Please note: mountain bikes are recommended due to sealed and unsealed roads throughout the course.

Further details can be found here
