Graded Crit Race Report

After last week’s slightly challenging format, we returned to three straight Grade races with the standard race format for C, B, and A grade at 30mins +2 laps, 35 mins +2 laps, and 40 mins +2 laps respectively.

C Grade stalwarts Jacqui and Pete Wilkinson welcomed back Bernie May for his first outing of the year, and were joined by Greg Flynn on his mission to regain race fitness. The first twenty minutes were a collegiate effort before the hammer was put down for the final part of the race. Greg immediately stretched the group and Bernie was the first to loose contact. Greg comfortably crossed the line for a well-earned first place, followed by Jacqui who had outsmarted PW on the last lap (she claimed that it wasn’t hard….).

There was a large contingent lined up for B Grade, with Gareth volunteering to move up to A Grade. This left room for Andy and his new 3T machine to join B Grade (despite rumours to the contrary, no money changed hands and the secret pre-race mutterings between Andy and the handicapper were also declared innocuous). It was also suggested that Andy was actually refused A grade membership as he did not sport matching jersey and would have ruined the look of the raceline!

As the race started, Andy was joined by Abbott, Pete Creagan, Christian, Clint & Dean Bourke, Katherine & Pete Hosking, Swanny, Kirky and John Kenny – a very strong field. To no one’s surprise on the sideline, Andy put in a vicious attack early and put in a considerable distance on the field (he later claimed that this move was initiated by Kirky – no evidence to suggest that this was true). PC, PH, Abbott and Christian were spat out but the rest of B Grade under the insistent (and LOUD) leadership of Kirky slowly reeled in Andy. Once together and joined by Gareth after 20mins of hanging on to the A Grade machine, the bunch rolled consistent 1:53/1:54 laps (about 10 secs slower than A Grade!). With two laps to go, a bunch sprint seemed most likely, but the final hill was too much for what remained of B Grade and the final sprint came down to a photo finish with Katherine edging Andy on the line, just ahead of Kirky – well done Katherine! Today’s B Grade race was a joy to watch and listen to – well done.

The usual crew lined up for what is becoming the A Grade Crit TTT – Holly, Pat Ferris, Paul Williams, Houlty and Toby, joined by Gareth for half the race. Each lap seemed a repeat of the previous one with highlights being an attack (fruitless) by Toby on 33mins, Holly’s predictable attack towards the end (this time she couldn’t drop Pat, who gritted his teeth and dragged the group back onto her wheels) and Houlty having a flat in the last lap. Toby charged over the line first, followed by a grinning Pat, Hammy and Holly.

Thanks to Wilf for running the race and providing this report; Richard May and Annette for expert lap signage and bell ringing.

Finally please note we have a club meeting this Wed 6pm at the Armidale Bowling Club – all members welcome!
