Long Swamp Scratch Race Report

20 degrees, virtually no wind – it doesn’t get better for club racing in Armidale and 19 lucky riders assembled for a pleasant afternoon race with 6 minute gaps between the three grades setting a realistic target for all levels. It was also a welcome return to racing for Swanny, who decided to have a nice afternoon turning over his legs. Note to handicapper: a time gap of 7 minutes between C and B grades and a further 5 minutes back to A would have been interesting …..

Jacqui, JoWauch, Pete Wilko, Pete Crean, Adam and Greg Flynn set things rolling in C grade, followed on 6 minutes by an impressive B bunch of Kirky, John K, Phil Thomas, Dene Bourke, Clint and Rod Christie. A Grade consisting of Houlty, Mick Harris, Pat Ferris, Toby Inglis and Shaun Brennan left a further six minutes back.

Driving out to the turn, Wilf passed an A Grade which had already splintered down Dump Hill with Mick Harris and Pat 200m in front and the others trying to get organised for the chase.

C Grade were coming up Nymboida at about 17:30 into the race – all together, although Adam was showing signs of discomfort.

B Grade, too, had made it to the first turn before my speeding Mazda and Dene and Christian were struggling to stay with the pace set by the rest of their “comrades”.

At the first turn Mick Harris and Pat rounded in 22:15 (real time 10:15), followed by Brenno and Toby on 23:30 and Houlty on 23:35 – which was as close as he was going to get. The chasing pair got back on, but played silly buggers up Dump Hill and Shaun decided to call it a day after one lap.

On the way back for the first lap, C Grade continued to ride as  a well-mannered bunch whilst B Grade split into a strong group of five (Kirky, Rod, John, Keglegs and Clint) and threw Dene, Tinny and Christian to the wolves (aka as having to ride solo).

C Grade turned Lap 1 at 29:45 with a few small gaps having opened up the hill, but everyone got back together for Lap 2. The five B Graders turned at 31:15 (26:15), followed by Tinny on 32:30 and Christian and Dene a bit later.

Mick Harris had surged ahead on Dump Hill to turn at 34:40 (22:40), followed by Toby and Pat on 35:15 – still with a slim chance to get back in contention.On the final lap, C Grade dropped Adam as he had to contend with strong driving turns by Wilko and PC trying to keep C Grade ahead of the chasing bunches. At the final turn, the Famous Five were just 15 secs behind C Grade (43:00 and 43:15 respectively) and went by them before the final ascent up Nymboida. The two solo warriors Adam (44:20) and Tinny (45:30) battled on but became targets for the fast-charging Missile Mick to chase down. Christian and Dene have to get their own timekeepers!

To no one’s surprise, Kirky put the boot in on Nymboida and only Rod was able to follow and was then waved on to try and solo home as Kirky decided to roll DOWN Nymboida again!

Phil kept Roddy in sight and claimed his superior TT legs would have been able to close the gap at any time but he thought there was another lap to make Rod suffer on his own. Clint and John tried to stay on but fell behind as they faced the final ascent of Dump Hill.

At the finish line, the one timekeeper and crowd of three eagerly awaited who would be strongest on the final slope.

Roddy emerged as the day’s winner, finishing in 57:03 (51:03)/ BGrade#1 with Phil second Phil in 57:31(51:31)/B Grade#2, and Missile Mick Harris 3rd over the line in 57:49 (45:49)/A Grade#1.

Thanks to Wilf for this race report, running the race, and doing the times as best as possible, a selection of the rest which are below!

John Kenny – 58:05(52:05)

Clint Bourke – 58:20(52:20)

Greg Fynn – 58:20/C Grade#1

Jo Wauch -58:20/C Grade#2

Pete Creagan – 58:49

Jacqui King – 59:34

Pete Wilkinson – 59:35

Dene Bourke – 1:00:10(54:10)

Andrew Kirk –

Rob Tindale –

Pat Ferris – 1:00:45(48:45)/A Grade#2

Toby Inglis – 1:00:45(48:45)

Adam Edwards – 1:01:18

Mick Hoult
