Long Swamp Race Report

Ten racers turned up on the last (official) weekend of winter, plus Roddy returning from protracted illness to spin his legs over, although not yet ready to race. The format was a handicap team event with Adam Edwards, Jo Wauch, Pete Wilko and Pete Creagan (accompanied by Roddy) heading off ten minutes in front of Pat Ferris, Dene Bourke, Andrew Swan, Andrew Kirk, Rob Tindale and Phil Thomas.

Both teams had to keep together for the first lap and the GO team had to finish with a minimum of 3 riders, with the SCRATCH team required to get four riders across the line; however in true club spirit both teams decided to get everyone together across the finish.

SCRATCH unfortunately lost both Tinny and Kirky due to illness during the first lap, putting a lot of
pressure on Dene. Team GO completed the first lap in 29m40s, followed by the chasers on 35m45s (real time= 25m45s) and SCRATCH would need to up the tempo on the second lap to claim a victory.

Wilko managed to pace his team superbly and Adam put in a PB effort to get over the final two climbs –
Team GO crossing the finish line at 59m30s (a time of 29m50s for the second lap)! With Dene equalling
Adam’s effort to stay on his team well outside his comfort zone, Team SCRATCH came across the line
1m23s later with a real time of 50m53s, having taken 25m8s for the second lap – not enough to make up
their ten minute deficit, falling just short by 1m23s.

Well done to all racers, and thanks to Wilf for running the race and for this race report.

Don’t forget orders for the new club kit close midnight Wednesday 31st August!
