2022 Club Championship Road Race

We have our 2022 Club Championship Road Race schedule for Saturday 19th November – 3PM start; there is an adjusted format for this year as agreed at last years AGM, including updated eligibility requirements. Please see below for details.

• Club Championship 45km race open to all club racing members, to determine male & female club champions

• Club championship jersey will be ordered & awarded for male/female winners of Championship Race which can be worn the following year at club races

• C and B Grade races to be run over 30km, with a winners medals awarded to first place male and female for each grade

• Eligibility requires participation in 3 (THREE) race OR one sign duty to be awarded a result for these races

Online entry is now open:


nb. “A” grade is the championship race, open to all club racers – buncheur only has pre-defined grades when setting up the event