Long Swamp 30km Handicap

Bright sunshine and gentle winds made for hot and fast racing. Due to lower numbers, what was scheduled as a graded handicap turned into a regular handicap.

First NameSurnameStart Time Lap timeFinish timePlaceTime on course
JamesGreene3:10:40 pm3:34 pm3:59:12 pm148m 32s
Richard May 3:06:40 pm3:33 pm3:59:37 pm252m 57s
RichardWilkinson3:02:40 pm3:31 pm3:59:37 pm356m 57s
PeterCreagan3:02:40 pm3:31 pm4:00:05 pm457m 25s
DavidSmith3:00:40 pm3:30 pm4:00:05 pm559m 25s
PeterWilkinson3:02:40 pm3:31 pm4:01:38 pm658m 58s
AndrewSwan3:06:40 pm3:33 pm4:02:06 pm755m 26s
ClintBourke3:06:40 pm3:33 pm4:02:40 pm856m
JohnCostello3:06:40 pm3:33 pm4:02:59 pm956m 19s
AbbottWhite3:10:40 pm3:36 pm4:05:37 pm1054m 57s
AndrewKirk3:10:40 pm3:35 pm4:05:39 pm1154m 59s