Road Championships (30th November 2024)

Star studded line ups took the start line in the A, B and C grade catagories. B and C grade dogded the rain completing 2 laps of the course while A grade completed 3 laps covering 45km.

B Grade finished first where the familiar Scottish weather clearing giving Roddy the edge in the uphill sprint finish.

The entire C grade field finished in a bunch with Jackie taking line honours.

With the lower grade back at the finish line in time see the A graders sprinting to the line where Shaun took the win and the club championship for 2024.

GradeFirst NameSurnameStart TimeFinish Place15km Time30km Time45km TimeAdjusted TimeAdjusted PlaceAve Speed km/hr 
A GradeShaunBrennan0:00:00120:23:200:48:001:12:371:12:37137.18Club Champion
A GradeMichaelHoult0:00:00130:23:200:48:001:12:411:12:41237.15
A GradeJamesGreene0:00:00140:23:200:48:001:12:441:12:44337.12
A GradePatFerris0:00:00150:23:200:48:001:12:471:12:47437.10
A GradePaulWilliams0:00:00160:23:200:48:001:12:481:12:48537.09
A GradeJohnKenny0:00:00170:23:400:50:001:16:011:16:01635.52
A GradeAndrewKirk0:00:00180:23:200:50:001:16:021:16:02735.51
B GradeRoderickChristie0:01:0010:27:300:53:47 0:52:47134.10B Grade Champion
B GradeHughMckellar0:01:0020:27:300:53:480:52:48234.09
B GradeClintBourke0:01:0030:27:300:53:550:52:55334.02
B GradePhilipThomas0:01:0040:27:300:54:170:53:17433.78
B GradeAndrewSwan0:01:0050:27:300:54:590:53:59533.34
B GradeRobTindale0:01:0060:27:300:55:000:54:00633.33
C GradeJacquelineKing0:02:0070:31:401:01:32 0:59:32130.24C Grade Champion
C GradePeterCreagan0:02:0080:31:401:01:330:59:33230.23
C GradeRichardWilkinson0:02:0090:31:401:01:340:59:34330.22