Race Results: 25km ITT Club Championship (16th November 2024)
The forecast rain stayed away, the wind was gentle, and the heat was far less oppressive than last weekend. 10 riders made it to the start line trying to claim the club championship title.
2023 Club ITT Championship Results
This Saturday saw our annual club ITT championship race run in near perfect conditions, with light cross headwinds on the way out giving way to a tailwind on the way home ensuring a turn-charged run for home. 16 riders came out to test themselves in the race of truth over the championship 25km distance; and…
2022 Club Road Championship
A glorious late sprint afternoon was a welcome backdrop for our 2022 Club Championships road races. The formats were simple – an open 45km Championship race to determine the male & female club champions; there was also a 30km B grade race, with winners medals up for grabs for male & female B grade winners.…
2022 Club Championship Road Race
We have our 2022 Club Championship Road Race schedule for Saturday 19th November – 3PM start; there is an adjusted format for this year as agreed at last years AGM, including updated eligibility requirements. Please see below for details. • Club Championship 45km race open to all club racing members, to determine male & female…
2022 Club Time Trial Championship
This weekend saw the conclusion of our 2022 Time Trial season with the club championships; the race was scheduled over 25km, but in his last race duty Wilf made the executive decision to run the event over 20km, and there were no complaints! Spring like weather saw a light crosswind, but nothing to concern riders…