Category: Club Championships

  • Junior Crit Championship 2020

    Junior Crit Championship 2020

    On Saturday 21st November we will be running our 2020 Junior Crit Championship. This will give juniors the chance to compete in a number of races, details to follow. Racing will start at 2.30pm, so we want to encourage all juniors to participate and enjoy a fun afternoon on the bikes. Senior racing will follow…

  • Club Covid Championship 2020

    Club Covid Championship 2020

    As the truncated 2020 road season draws to a close, the club scheduled a one-off mini-tour format raced over a single afternoon to crown the inaugural Club Covid Champions. The format was as follows: – 8km TT – 20km Road Race – 20min+3 laps Crit Points accrue for each event, with the overall Covid Champions…

  • Club TT Championship Race Report

    Club TT Championship Race Report

    A howling westerly wind could mean only one thing for this weeks club race – it was time for another TT, and this time it was the club 2020 ITT championship! In spite of the extremely challenging conditions, there was a great turnout of 21 riders, including a record number of riders on specialist equipment…

  • One Lap Wonder!

    One Lap Wonder!

    A hot afternoon greeted riders for the 2019 Club Crit Championship, and the weather was matched by the racing which saw fast paced and competitive riding across all 3 grades. First out of the blocks were 16 B grade riders for 30min + 3 laps of racing, closely followed by 4 C grade riders for…

  • 2018 Club Championships – Results

    2018 Club Championships – Results

    As the road racing calendar draws to a close, warm spring weather greeted the 31 riders turning up for the Club Championship Road Race. A different format this year had riders grouped into their respective age categories (Division 1 under 50, Division 2 50+), with a mass start for each of the 2 groups 5…