Interclub criterium weekend
Coming up on the weekend of 29-30 November we’ll be holding an interclub criterium meeting with Tamworth. On Saturday 29th racing will be at our track from 2pm, and on Sunday 30th, we’ll be going down to Tamworth, racing at their crit circuit from 8am. If you need directions to the circuit in Tamworth, its…
Junior Club Championships
Junior Championships will be held this saturday 8 November at the track from 2pm. Please get over there to cheer them on if you can – there’s bound to be some good racing.
Introduction to track cycling
Mark Bullen, Jock Bullen and Kevin Bartlett will be running a track cycling day at the Tamworth Velodrome on Saturday 18 October from 4pm. The program will include: Professional bike fitting Track racing information Training and track racing tips A mini carnival to finish Cost of the event will be $30 per rider. To register,…
Farewell to the Mikkelsens
The Mikkelsen family will be leaving Armidale to return to Denmark at the end of the year. Both Ole and Lasse have ridden with the Club for some years now, and we will be holding a farewell BBQ at the Bowling Club on Saturday October 25 from 6pm. For catering purposes, please let us know…
Bike Week Event
There will be no junior racing at the track this Saturday 20 September. Instead, as anounced last weekend, juniors will be putting on a display of their riding prowess at the Bike Week Event to be held at the Armidale Showground. Please be there around 12.30pm, and wear your club shirt if you have one.…